
With one turmoil of Punjab already ended and another of U(ngovernable)P(ardesh) starting tomorrow, don't forget the Dev-Bhoomi earlier being part of UP itself. As the state of snowbound hills and forests also going to poll tomorrow, let me exemplify you the game of musical chairs in Uttrakhand in short. The state has seen regular political coups, with eight CMs in it's short 16 year history. Amidst of bitter internal rivalries, only 15-20 of 70 seats are not hit by rebellions or crossovers. Atleast 1000 members of both BJP and Congress have crossed over in past 15 days. During this rapid enteries and exits, almost every evening both the parties have been announcing the arrival of "prominent" leaders from the other party and showing them before the media. So before you vote for your representative fighting on Congress ticket you will get to know that just one week before, he/she was from BJP. 


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